Love Designs Whiteboards & Dear Santa Letter with Emily-May Photography

love designs bc

This summer I had the chance to work with Love Designs on photos of their chalkboard sets! The kids has so much fun with those. So when I saw they had a Black Friday Sale I scooped up a few things for Christmas. And then I promptly put them in a box for safe keeping and forgot about them.

Life has been hectic, we’ve had a lot of health scares to deal with in our family. Work was craaazy. Oh and then there is the whole pandemic thing. But seeing Ella’s joy when she plays with these on her own and watching her prep for school and beyond - it’s just the best. I think these reusable boards are such a great prep item for kids - there is no pressure, mistakes can be easily erased. It’s the perfect balance of play and education. I 100% recommend them. They also have THE BEST markers and chalk pens I’ve ever used. So stock up!


Ella has since informed me that she doesn’t like doing photos inside. Only outside. Probably because her mother is crazy and having to prep a house, a kid, products and my camera is just too dang much these days. I’ll stick to shooting clients from here on out! You guys are easier.


what Ella wants for Christmas ❤ a makeup toy (Santa has that covered) and a hug from grandma ❤ #Wishlist

♬ All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey